Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama: The James II of the 21st century

President Obama’s recent use of Executive Order to bypass congress and change immigration law has reminded me how much history is full of parallels.  As I discovered during my research for Liberty Inherited: The untold story of America’s exceptionalism, it is not difficult to find past events comparable to current ones.  I could not miss the similarities between the events leading up to England’s Glorious Revolution of 1688 and what is currently happening in America.  Furthermore, I was stunned at how similar the actions of President Obama and King James II are. 

Both set out to transform the societies they were leaders of and both did it with a single-mindedness that bordered on zealotry.  President Obama has stated that his goal is to “fundamentally transform” America by moving it towards a secular society based on the model of European socialism.  James II, a catholic, attempted to transform England’s society by returning the country to the dominance of the Church of Rome. James planned to do this by severing England from its protestant principles and reducing the influence of the Anglican Church, thus eliminating potential resistance to the supremacy of the monarchy.  Similarly, Obama is attempting to accomplish his goal of state supremacy by disconnecting America from its Christian values and capitalist past. 

President Obama would use “social justice” as moral justification for this transformation.  This philosophy argues that the current system is unfair and creates inequality, especially economic inequality.  By correcting this inequality, the ills of society could be reduced or even eliminated.  America could then take its place among the “progressive” democracies of the world and participate as an equal in the new world order.  In very much the same way, James II used what could be called “religious justice.”  He believed that the system of forbidding non-Anglicans from serving in government was unjust and created political inequality.  If this political inequality could be rectified then England could return to its rightful place among the foremost catholic nations of Europe, namely France and Spain.

Both realized that “fundamental change” of the society would require fundamental changes to the political, governmental, and economic systems that affect the countries.  Both nations are based on the distinctly protestant principle that individual rights are derived from God.  This belief is the foundation of liberty and is contrary to the systems desired by Obama and James.  In order to achieve the social justice desired by Obama, the central government would need to be enlarged and empowered.  Rights and liberties would, necessarily, need to be determined by the government.  Likewise, in 1688 the Church of Rome still advocated the principles of “divine right” and “absolute rule.”  Combined, they meant that a king was chosen by God to rule and that the king had absolute control over his subjects.  The results are the same in both cases; more government-less individual liberty.

Both leaders have shown a disregard for laws and customs.  James routinely removed non-compliant officials who he had no jurisdiction over.  One clear violation of law was when James removed the President of the University of Oxford and replaced him with someone who would be supportive of the King’s agenda. In a similar move, Obama replaced the CEO of General Motors and replaced him with one more pliant to the president’s wishes.   Furthermore, James violated property rights by confiscating and transferring land legally owned by Protestants to Catholics.  During the GM bailout, Obama showed the same disregard for private property when he, contrary to law and practice, put the union’s claim before that of the bondholders.  In both cases, the leaders succeeded in increasing the power of the state at the expense of the individual.

Both leaders have also shown contempt for the parliamentary and legislative processes of their respective countries.  James used what was called the king’s “Dispensing Powers.”  These were powers that allowed the king to make certain rules and policy changes without the consent of parliament.  Until James, they were limited in their usage and never to overrule the desire of parliament.  This restriction did not stop James.  Believing in the absolute authority of the monarchy, he claimed it was his right as King to override the will of parliament, thus making it irrelevant.  Obama has shown a similar opinion as to the supremacy of the executive branch.  He claims that, through the use of Executive Orders, he has the power to do what Congress is not willing to do.  Obama’s recent use of Executive Order to bypass congress and change immigration law is a prime example of this disregard of the legislative process.  

James also established governmental entities that are outside of traditional governmental oversight or control.  The main one was the Ecclesiastical Commission.  Its purpose was to stop what we call today “hate-speech” against Catholics.  In effect, it increased the power of the monarchy by giving it control over what was said in protestant churches.  Obama has increased the power of the executive branch by increasing the regulative authority of several federal agencies.   This includes the EPA which is implementing some of the provisions of the Cap & Trade bill that the congress refuses to pass.

Finally, in their single-mindedness and determination in achieving their goals they both pursued the most destructive strategy that a country’s leader could follow; divisive politics.  For me this marks the true sign of a zealot since this form of politics does so much damage to the country.  It creates divisions within the populace and an animosity that could linger for decades, if not generations.  By manipulating and exploiting the ambitions and prejudices within the favored group or class it creates a sense of hope.  But, in the end it delivers very little of what it promises.  The only one who stands to win is the politician who, by lack of foresight and wisdom, is kept blind to the damage this vile and contemptible practice does to the nation. 

Through this immoral practice James pitted Liberal Whig against Conservative Tory, Catholic against Protestant, Anglican against Dissenter (Methodist, Calvinist, Puritan, Quaker), English against Irish, and rich against poor. On several occasions it pushed the country to the brink of civil war.  The bloody consequences of which could only be imagined.  Over 300 years later, Obama is repeating history.  Since becoming president in 2008 he has ceaselessly used divisiveness that goes beyond that of party politics.  His demonizing of conservatives, the wealthy, the Evangelicals, the Tea Party and others who disagree with his policies is just as vile as it was when James practiced it.   The political advantages he receives from creating divisiveness among the American people may help increase his power, but it will be short-lived.  Unfortunately, the American people will suffer the divides, either created or exploited, for many years after Obama and his policies have taken their place in the history books. 

The difference between James II and Obama is that one was a king for life while the other is elected for a four year term.  In the end, as I detail in my book Liberty Inherited, the English had to rise up in revolution to rid themselves of James’ tyranny.  Fortunately, Americans do not need to go to such extremes.  They only need to vote. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm Catholic, that transferring property to Catholics thing sounds good to me.
